Mums & Bub




HOPE in a bottle is formulated using a base that is similar to the composition of the natural lipids produced by the sebaceous glands under our skin. Its hypoallergenic ingredients been used safely by pregnant and breastfeeding women around the globe.

Pregnancy & breastfeeding is a time in a woman's life when the body and skin undergoes a lot of changes. As the baby develops the skin naturally begins to stretch. This often leads to stretch marks, scars & loss of skin elasticity. 

Gently massage HOPE in a bottle 2-3 times a day to affected areas as a preventative measure whilst pregnant and continue as part of your daily beauty routine after giving birth to assist the skin to heal. 

The extra lipid particles from the Jojoba helps stabilise the skin cells of the epidermis and does not cause breakouts like some other heavier oils.



The mixture also contains vitamin C, D, E, Beta-carotene, B-complexes, essential fatty acids and minerals. Jojoba & grape seed oils are naturally anti-inflammatory and promote the healing of your stressed skin. While neroli is calming and relaxing; offering a strong sense of pampering during this time of change.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy and after birth can cause itching and drying of your skin.

Apply HOPE when required to help alleviate your symptoms.

Use HOPE as a massage oil to help the circulation of your tired legs and relieving leg cramps. 

Unsure what moisturiser you can use? HOPE can be used on your face, lips and body. Apply 1-2 drops and allow it to be absorbed completely.

Always do a patch test for something that is new to your skin




Cradle cap - harmless, scale-like flaky, crusty patches on the scalp (sometimes on the eyebrows and around the ears) that commonly occur to many infants and babies. The jojoba wax esters in HOPE helps balancing the overactive sebaceous glands and softens the crusty patch. Gently rub 1 drop of HOPE into the affected area 1-2 times daily until symptoms improved. See a health professional to rule out other causes if no improvement has been seen.

Dry skin – HOPE contains premium ingredients that is hypoallergenic, gentle and allows the skin to breathe normally. It helps to sooth dry, chafed, and irritated skin that many babies can have during the first years of life. Apply half to 1 drop on to the affected area 2-3 times daily at the first sign of dryness. 

HOPE can be applied to the face down to the toes.



HOPE is able to boost the moisturising effects of other moisturisers. If you have a moisturiser at home that doesn’t give your baby the optimal result, try adding small amounts of HOPE into it. 

Massage oil – gently smooth 1-2 drops of HOPE to baby’s skin for well-being or to soothe colics.

Bath oil – add several drops of HOPE into baby’s bath to help moisturising their delicate skin (watch out for the slippery surface).

If your baby has eczema & a health professional had suggested using a moisturiser, try applying HOPE alone or in combination with other moisturisers. Once the eczema has resolved, continue to use HOPE once to twice a day as a maintenance measure. 
Always do a patch test for something that is new to your baby’s skin. 
General information contained here does not substitute for a proper medical consult.